Archive for the ‘Coventry’ Category.

Care Home Visit

During our visit to the care home yesterday, the residents had arranged a puppet show where the children had an opportunity to put on a show for their elderly friends, we also enjoyed getting physical by enjoying a game of throw and catch together.


Celebrating 550yrs of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

The children spent the day learning about Guru Nanak and Sikhism followed by a visit to our local gurdwara.


Remembrance Day

Learning about all the brave soldier on Remembrance Day. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our stay and play this morning. We hope you had as much fun as we did.

Muddy Puddles

Having fun today in the mud kitchen


Sharing Bedtime Stories

Lots of research points to the importance of introducing young children to books and the love of reading.  In this short window of their early years reading stories to your child will expand their vocabulary as well as help them develop their imagination, creative thinking and of course the special bond developed with you whilst sharing story time.

To encourage reading at home, we have introduced a ‘home library’ this is located in the downstairs hallway, please visit the trolley as you wish choosing a story to take home.  These can be changed as often as you would like, all we ask is that you encourage your child to look after the books and also kindly return your book before selecting another one.


Royal Wedding #HarryWedsMeghan

Planting Stay and Play

Mother’s Day


Chinese New Year Celebrations

Valentines Love